
For the Teacher

A Great Teacher


True Teachers are

very special indeed!

They make you smile

and help you thrive.


Teachers instruct

you on how to read and write,

And they show us how

to express kindness for others.


They lend an ear, or

share a word of praise,

And open their hearts

to brighten our days.


Teachers are unique souls

who are always giving to others.

A great teacher can make

all the difference in a young child’s life.


A great Teacher can

teach us how to fly.

So that each of us

can achieve our dreams.


It takes a exceptional person

with a great heart

to become a great teacher.

Home | If I Could... | Don't Cry For Me... | A Teacher's Touch | About Me | A Mother's Love | Angel Poems | Cats | Contact Me | Daily Quotes | Do Remember Me | Emergency Numbers | Family Poems | Favorite Links | Forever in Our Hearts | More Than Words Can Say | Do You Know? | For the Teacher | Teachers | Friendship, Family & Friends | Love and Peace | Mask | Ms. Patsy Goatz | My Pets | Pets Page 2 | More Pets | Poems for Friends | Poems for My Uncle Frank | Special Poems From My Heart | Special Friends | The Storm | Time | Thankful for friends and co-workers | Valentine | A Walk through Life | When You Thought I Wasn't Looking | Writer's Workshop

This is for the great teachers in the world.