

           My Mask


In my lifetime, I will wear many different masks.

When I was a child, I wore the mask of a daughter,

a student, and a friend.

I listened to my parents, my teachers,

and other authority figures.


As an adult, I still wear many masks.

One mask is of a wife and mother.

I cook, clean, and kiss boo boos away.


I have a teacher mask.

I teach students how to read wonderful stories.

I show students how to write amazing adventures.

Then, I teach them how to add and subtract.


Also, with my students, I show them the mother’s mask.

I show them that I am dependable, loving, and understanding.

And like a mother, I deal with discipline issues.

I let the students know that I make them behave

because I do love them.


I also wear a worker’s mask.

I come to school, and I do my job.

I do the best that I can with everyday.

Sometimes, I have to tell things to parents

and other teachers that they do not want to hear.


All of these masks make me the person that I am.

I am still a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a student.

I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, and a worker.

I am a writer, an artist, a reader, and not a very good singer.

These things make me - be me.



Cathey McNabb

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