Patsy |
Patsy came from the pound. She was not even a year old. |
Big Foot and Patsy stays outside. They like to run and play. Big Foot is such a playful dog. He was
dropped on us.
Patsy was taken to the shelter because she jumped on people. She didn't bite or even growled. She just jumped.
She still jumps because she is glad to see us when we come home. She has never bitten anyone or tried. She doesn't
jump when I say no. When I turn around to leave, she jumps up on my butt as if she is saying no what let's play.
Fred |
Fred had kennel cough and was going to be put to sleep. |
Fred is Tony's dog. He loves his daddy.
Willow is a great watch dog and moves easily around us all. She is a protector of Caitlyn and me. She
is so loveable.
Fred is like a bull in a china shop. He has knocked me down so many times. He finally stop knocking us down.
He didn't mean to, but he was all legs.
Willow |
She came from a flea market on the road. She is a smart dog. |