Angel Poems

Angel Friends
Have you ever found a friend That makes your heart glow
Someone who is wonderful You feel honored to know.
Someone to laugh with perhaps even to cry Someone whom
you love Someone who is comfortable to be around Someone who just seems to understand.
Someone that you think of day and night Someone you pray for as you
go to bed Someone who shows up when needed Thoughts of them are always on your mind.
Someone who shares with
you all your ups and downs Someone who comes when called Someone who shares your smiles and frowns Surely
you must know, God planted that seed
These seeds God has planted here on earth Were planted deeply in our friends
They cannot be measured by earth's worth Only by God's values placed here from the start
Value those friendships,
honor their decisions Respect their feelings and not make demands Never try to change their dreams to your own Hold
their love tightly in your hands
Refrain from angry if you don't talk to them each day Trust in friendship, send
them a piece of your heart For a heart can still feel loved even if it's far away This is how God intended love to
Place their memory in your heart and mind See them
for what they really are Continue to love them for all time Friends are Angels Sent From God
Copyright ©2004 Cathey McNabb | |
Angel's Tears
God sends us something special to us during the dark months of the year. To let us know that
he loves us and to give us some good cheer.
Each tear is a gentle soft flake that tumbles through the air. It guides and dances across the sky singing
God's love and joy to all.
They gently summon us to join in God's glorious embrace. Dancing across the gray
sky the Angels' tears covers all like white lace.
At Christmas time when everyone is in such a rush, We
can look up above For angels tears and Gods love To fulfill our lives here on Earth.
So if you start to feel
blue And besieged by this worlds fears. Just look outside your window God is sprinkling his angels tears.
the next time it snows, and you are dreading the mess. Just think it is Angel's tears singing that you are being
Cathey McNabb
Copyright ©2004 Cathey McNabb
One poem can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One
tree can start a forest, One bird can announce the spring.
One hug lifts a spirit. One smile begins a friendship, One
belief can frame the soul One star can guide a ship.
One sunbeam lights a room, One decision can transform a
nation, One candle wipes out the darkness, One laugh will conquer despair.
One praise will raise our spirits, One
touch can show you care. One step must begin each journey, One word must commence each prayer.
One heart can
know what's true, One voice can speak with wisdom. One life can make the difference, You see it is all up to YOU!"
Cathey McNabb
Copyright ©2004 Cathey McNabb